2017 Speaker Spotlight: Alan Plattus

Alan J. Plattus, Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at Yale University, will take center stage at TEDxNatick 2017 on January 21.
Alan teaches architectural history and theory, urban history and design, and directs the school’s China Studio. He founded and directs the Yale Urban Design Workshop, a community design center that undertakes complex community-based planning projects throughout the world, at scales ranging from the neighborhood to the region, in response to problems such as border conflict, underdevelopment and climate change.
An all-volunteer, community-driven initiative, TEDxNatick brings together 800 community members, civic leaders, business leaders, technologists, artists, educators, and other professionals for a full day of thought-provoking talks, inspiring music, conversations and networking. Tickets will likely sell out quickly, and are available at tedxnatick.org